The Chicago School’s

Office of Student Writing & Learning

Writing Reviews

Writing Specialists and Coaches offer customized, detailed feedback on course assignments, discussion posts, proposal and dissertation chapter drafts, and just about any other writing you do for school. We focus on both higher-order (organization, flow, logic, tone) and lower-order (grammar, mechanics, APA) concerns in our reviews, and you have the opportunity to request that we prioritize our feedback to fit your needs.

Webinars & Workshops

Each fall and spring semester, the OSWL offers weekly live webinars on a variety of topics, from APA to dissertation writing. Each webinar is recorded and available for viewing on our GoToChannel, embedded at the bottom of the Webinars page.

APA Interactive Tools

The OSWL is excited to present our new interactive APA 7 web guide and interactive tools:

  • Use our citation formatting tool to learn how to integrate sources

  • Download our APA 7 templates for getting started

  • Utilize our interactive tools for formatting and styling

Writing Resources

The OSWL offers web-based resources and tutorials for students and faculty to develop their skills and self-efficacy for The Writing Process:

  • Higher-Order Concerns

  • Sentence-Level Concerns

  • Plagiarism & Academic Integrity

  • Research Writing/Dissertation & Thesis Writing

  • Resources for Multilingual and International Students